Looking back on this class brings back an evolution of thoughts and memories. When I first registered for Oral Traditions, I had no clue what to expect. This question was answered the first day of class. What should I expect? Memorization: lots of it. I'll admit I was originally disgruntled. I wasn't sure how a bunch of memorization would benefit me as an English major or a person. My heart was not full of optimism, but every journey must start somewhere. The last few months have led me on a journey much like the Odyssey, and, like orators of old, I could probably recite the whole story. The Odyssey tells the story of a lost wanderer finding his way home: that is exactly what these last few months have been for me--a journey to my center, a place of better understanding. Many obstacles stood in my way but I have tackled them all. I have learned so much about the powers of the brain, about the information it can hold and reproduce with the proper training and organization. I have witnessed amazing feats of memory from every member of this class. If seeing is believing man do I now believe. Memory can be used in so many ways. It keeps alive our history and our soul. Life without memory would be empty. We would have no recollection of our lives, of the amazing things we've learned or experienced, the people we love and know. As a culture, we would falter without memory. Progress would not exist because we would not remember things we had learned in the past. This class has ultimately taught me that memory infiltrates everything. I thank Dr. Sexson for helping me open my eyes to this wonder of the human mind. The first stage of my journey is complete: I have embraced memory and the power of the oral tradition. However, there's no doubt that I have more to learn. Every year of my education and future will bring new discoveries and enlightenment. Thanks to this class, I am armed with the means to remember everything I learn.
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