This first one is easy: I distinctly remember going to the tennis courts with my family to watch my mom play. Long story short, my brother ended up running into a fence and then face-planting on asphalt. The resulting injury involved a lot of blood and a trip to the hospital for some stitches in his forehead. This clearly stands out as a traumatic event and one that did not occur often and so was new experience.
Now they get trickier. I have flashes of favorite toys and friends but nothing truly outstanding. I remember very little of my first house (we moved when I was about 3). The only memory I have from that first house is sitting at the counter eating peaches in cream with my mother and grandfather. I honestly have no clue why I remember this. At all. Perhaps I was exceptionally happy? Maybe the peaches were delicious (however, I don't remember any taste). This part of my life is a total enigma to me.
The only other distinct memory I can think of right now is going to a friend's house when I was about 4. The house was around the corner from mine and was the home of my older brother's best friend. He had a younger brother my age so I (annoyingly I'm sure) tagged along to go hang out. In their living room I found an adorable little dalmatian stuffed toy with a blue collar and a dark patch around his eye. At the end of the day, the younger brother gave me this stuffed animal to keep since I was so in love with it.
Again, I'm not sure why I remember this specific event. Getting presents wasn't terribly new (thanks to Christmas, birthdays, etc.) Maybe it's because this was the first present a boy randomly gave me. It could also help that his same boy is now my boyfriend some 15 years later (small world eh?).
Regardless, I am still stuck pondering why my mind elected to save these memories and not others. As we discussed, everything was new and exciting at such a young what made these memories extra special? Do these influence what I will select to remember in my future? Only time will tell.
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