The love between siblings
I have one brother 3 years older than myself. We're really very different people. He's loud and outgoing, always a performer, and never really the "academic" type. I, on the other hand, tend to be quiet and mild mannered and dedicated to my studies. These differences definitely led to some clashes when we were younger. Some fights were serious, some just for fun; however, I have to admit that several "play fights" often turned in to something more serious. That being said, I can't remember any specific insults we used to throw at each other when we were little. I do know that he knocked out 3 of my (baby) teeth over the years. We still make fun of each other for various stupid things we each do. Honestly though we haven't really fought since he started high school. That was about the point that he started fighting with my parents instead and he and I became good friends. This fall he moved to Oregon and I haven't seen him since August. I must say I miss him, bickering and all.
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